
Friday, May 8, 2009

Vitamin Cold Rush Frozen Drinks

The health benefits are just the beginning!

Vitamin Cold Rush® will expand your customer base to include new markets previously off limits to full sugar, artificially colored, artificially flavored and artificially preserved Frozen Carbonated Beverages. VCR has 2/3's less calories and sugar than traditional ICEEs.

This revolutionary patented formula for Vitamin Cold Rush can be sold in more health oriented venues such as hospitals, high schools, colleges and universities, health clubs, etc., as well as the traditional convenience store markets.

Vitamin Cold Rush will also appeal to the "Smoothie" crowd who don't always want a full meal replacement, just nutritious refreshment on the go!

Vitamin Cold Rush supplies 30% of the RDA of vitamins B3, B6, B12, Pantothenic Acid(Calcium D), Folic Acid and Zinc in a 2,000 calorie diet.

Here are some of our delicious flavors:

· POMEBERRY-natural pomegranate, strawberry and acai.
· NECTAR-natural almond and vanilla
· BANANA COLADA-natural banana, pineapple and coconut
· CARIBBEAN COMBO-natural strawberry, banana, and orange flavors
· EVERYBERRY-natural raspberry, strawberry and blueberry flavors
· KOLANUTTY-natural cola, nutmeg, cinnamon, lavender, coriander and vanilla
· VANILLA RUM-natural vanilla and rum flavors(non-alcoholic).

For more info, please call 1-877-463-2827 or email